Growing Local

Today I made a decision about my social network. It came from what I must say is a surprising revelation about how many people in my district are now on twitter! When I started on twitter, a small handful of my nerdiest and most geeky friends were there, and so I started with them, then reached further to build my network. I followed and had conversations with people around the world, and when I needed answers they were out there waiting to help. Twitter was a place for my brain to stretch, and where I could say things that I may not be comfortable bringing up in a room full of teachers in my district.

Now twitter is “the deal” around here, and so I had to say to myself “self, why aren’t you you growing locally?” Six years ago I had to look outside my district, now I can draw inspiration from the people who actually live in my zip code! That’s progress! I am ever hopeful that our district is moving in the right direction.

Yet, as I sit here and click the follow button repeatedly, a twinge of fear bubbles to the surface. I am exposing my soft underbelly to people who I might pass in the halls, see at a baseball game, stand behind in line at Starbucks. Do I want them to see me?

I suppose I would be a hypocrite if I said no, because for years I have been saying how isolated and different from others I have felt, and now they are here, waiting to connect. So I guess it’s time to grow locally!