Spring “BREAK”

It’s Monday morning, almost 10am, and I am still in my pj’s drinking coffee and reading blogs….must be spring break!  I take a lot of grief from people about being a teacher around this time of year, because of course our job is so easy, and we have so much time off.  I don’t know how many times I have smiled my way through a conversation about someone wanting to become a teacher so they can have their summers off.  I have given up defending myself because the only people who really understand what the word “break” means to a teacher…..is another teacher!   Sure, I’ll sleep in as much as my 8 year old will allow.  I’ll fight tooth and nail to stay in my pj’s as much as possible.  I’ll read, and blog, and do all of those other things I consider to be relaxing and rejuvinating, and I’ll love it.  But already, the mental list is forming in my head….it’s seeping into my consciousness as I type.  I will probably manage to ignore it for another hour, and then it will take over….THE LIST.  I will start making lists…lists of things I need to do at home, with my son, for school.  Errands I have put off until I have a weekday off to do them.  Dentist appointments, haircuts, new shoes, spring projects, updating my website, finishing a smartboard project, cleaning out my emails, new tires on the van, etc.  Somewhere in there I will manage to keep my son engaged with reading, board games, some basketball in the driveway, and perhaps batting practice.  I will cook for my husband, which is a rare event.  Then, if I play my cards right, we’ll be on the road for a quick 8 hour trip to Nebraska to visit my family for the holiday weekend.   Then on the long drive home, I’ll go over THE LIST in my head, and wonder why I only managed to get 1/2 of the things done.  I’ll make a mental note to start my new list when I get home……my summer list.  Happy Spring Break teachers, and here’s hoping you don’t teach for the summers:)

One thought on “Spring “BREAK”

  1. Teach for the summers? Who could? Who has summers? I mean it isn’t even the end of March and already 4 full weeks of my summer are taken with eMINTS training, a Kagan Workshop, and curriculum. That doesn’t even count presentations through June and July. And seeing how we don’t get out until May 30 and start back August 1st working in our classrooms that means I have about a month “off”.
    And I don’t think for a second that at least once a week I won’t be going up to the school to get something or find something or work on something. 🙂

    By the way….I understand the list as well, after we talked on the phone last night my list has already changed. It had to be post-poned because Emma is heading back in to the doctor today, another ear infection. Visit to my parents house tomorrow and the in-laws arrive tomorrow evening….hmmmm…so I guess it is the same as during the school week all work will have to get done after Emma goes to bed. 🙂

    Here’s to our lists that never get completed! 🙂

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