
I have been spending the past month finding a balance- a center point at which I can maintain something that resembles a personal life, and still stay plugged in to my PLN, keep up with lesson plans, and continue to blog on a regular basis.

 Well….it didn’t happen.  Not because I don’t have time, not because I spend too much time on twitter (that’s for you BFF), and not because I am any busier than anyone else out there.  I think its me.  I am finding some things out about myself as a learner, a teacher, and a mom.  I thought I would take a few minutes to share these things with you.

First, I function in waves.  I can’t just spend 10 minutes reading blogs, checking twitter, and responding to posts.  I have to track back all the embedded links, think about the questions, jot notes about how I might utilize a new idea in my classroom.  I am like a camel who has to fill it’s hump really.  I get in these moods where I just want to suck up as much information as I can, and interact with others, share ideas, create projects.  I ride the learning wave until…I crash.  Either because I realize that my husband is starting to look at my laptop with green eyes of envy, and I fear I may find it smashed to bits next to my chair, OR because I realize that I have been “shooting from the hip” a bit too much in my classroom, and I have no grades entered for the quarter that ends tomorrow.  Is this a good thing?  Probably not.  Can I do anything about it?  I really don’t think so. 

I am not just like this about technology, I am like this about everything.  I get a new lesson idea, and I stay up all night working on it.  I can’t leave school until my desk is clean. I can’t just do some laundry, I have to do it all.  I can’t just watch what I eat, I have to count every gram of fat.  When I “turn off” I totally turn off and spend the whole day in my pj’s playing battleship with Tanner.  I can’t dip a toe into anything.  I have to jump in with my whole heart. 

I have decided that this is my blessing and my curse.  I am OK with that, and I will accept it.  So tell me, is balance really all it’s cracked up to be?  Should I be seeking medical help?  Does anyone else out there function like this?  Gosh, I hope so- I would hate to be the only unbalanced one out there!