METC Top 10 List

Well, it’s over.  I am back home ready to finish out the year, and wait impatiently for NECC to get here.  I have to say that I saw this conference through different lenses this year.  I think for me it was more about making personal connections this year, and less about seeing something totally new to ooooh and aaaah over.  So I am barely back into my routine, and really trying to spend less time online, and more time with family this weekend.  You know how it is…the pendulum was way over on the tech/professional/teacher side last week, now I have to swing back the other way for a few days:)  But here it is…in a nutshell…my top 10 favorite moments of METC 2008…in no particular order…so as not to show favorites among my PLN:)

1.  8 hours in a suburban with four of my very favorite techie people, talking the whole time- no really- the WHOLE TIME! 

2.  Re-connecting with my first ever “teaching soulmate” Jules.  I can’t tell you how much I needed to see her again!  We got her all hooked up on skype and twitter so now we can STAY connected.

3.  Having the guts to introduce myself to Dembo-chickened out on Warlick….now I’ll have to wait until NECC- drat!

4.  Having Dembo actually know who I was!  What a great feeling to know that my twitter/SL virtual connections can so easily connect us in real life!

5.  Complimentary drinks and dry snacks every night from 5:30-7:30…nuf said.

6.  Watching Dembo present– what a great presence!  Thanks for showing me something new (LOL).

7.  Being heckled by my friends for being on “twitter/sl watch” at all times-  I managed to meet a few twitter buds just randomly…in the hallway…on the elevator…it was great, but apparently embarrassing and somewhat annoying to my friends:) Sorry guys!

8.  Presenting with my BFF to a small but enthusiastic crowd.  They had great questions, and I truly hope they will go straight home, get a reader, and read this post!  Go newbies!  Read this, then go read something important:)

9.  Have I mentioned the free drinks? 

10. Realizing that my place in education is changing, and I can now give back what I have been given for so many years…it’s less about me getting fed, and more about me feeding others.  I think I (we) can continue to make this conference better and better each year, and I am already planning what I want to do next year to help make that a reality.  Save the date:  METC 2009 ?? well, sometime in February I’m guessing:)